Rossini in studio with Torso in Marble, Pietrasanta, Italy, 2021

My overall interests as an artist is making seen the unseen. My current work is researching the similarities of difference and finding relationships between extremes and connection of opposites. There is a communion of dichotomies and contradictory forces such as light and heavy, strong and tender, soft and hard, resistance and compliance. Each working with each other, against each other, and depending on one another to exist.


Rossini was formally trained at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, the country’s first art museum and art school founded in 1805. With a rich history in classical tradition, Rossini received the Master of Fine Art in 2022.

Through residencies in Pietrasanta, Italy, Rossini was formally trained specifically in marble carving traditions passed down from generations of master artisans in the region. Rossini’s sculptures are hand carved from marble stone sourced from the Altissimo mountains of Carrera where she spent time learning about and connecting to the source of the material that she is drawn to.

In 2015, Rossini received the Master of Education with certification in Art and has taught various sculpture courses as well as AP Art history through the years.

In 2011 Rossini received the Bachelor of Fine Art upon completion of her studies at Moore College of Art and design- the first and only all women’s art and design college in the nation.

Rossini’s work expresses a deep connection and appreciation for classical materials and traditions such as marble and bronze yet offers the parallel connection to today’s contemporary time.

“I find it entirely invigorating to be a woman working with tools and traditions that for many centuries and even still today are predominantly utilized by men. As a professor of Art History, one can find a multitude of books written to highlight male artists. But what is not seen, are the women artists who at the same time were working in the marble medium. My biggest inspiration are those women.  Carving a female torso nude- that for many centuries was depicted by the male perspective, I instinctively offer a different perspective- because I live in this body”. - S. Rossini, on carving Torso, 2022.

Breath Forms, 2022

Breath Forms are a contemporary abstract collection of sculptures carved in Carrara marble and alabaster inspired through meditation. The work carries various interpretations such as ocean waves, a flower blossoming, or the air entering and exiting the body. A new beginning unfurling from the inside.

“This work is an exploration grounded through meditation. Through these practices I turn my focus inward to the breath and root into the energy of the earth around me. As I inhale and exhale, images appear in my mind of the breath breathing the body. Each breath becomes a form itself, existing in its own moment. Honoring the life force energy as the source, the Breath Forms series is developed offering a symbolic permanence to these ephemeral moments.” - S. Rossini

